Shaun Kniep » Mrs. Kniep's Page

Mrs. Kniep's Page


Hi, I am Shaun Kniep. I am one of the high school English teachers and a 1991 graduate of Mount Ayr myself. I teach English I with freshman and the rest of my day is spent with seniors. I teach Speech, Communications (yearbook and student paper), creative writing, and a dual credit College Composition course. When I am not in the classroom, I coach the varsity and freshman speech teams.


My husband and I live in Mount Ayr with our twin daughters, They graduated in 2023. Jillian is headed to the University of Iowa to study pharmaceuticals and Tessa works at Clearview Nursing Home in the activities department. We love to spend time together: enjoying movie nights, cooking, and just spending time with one another. Besides school, I also serve on the Princess Theater Board, MACHS Hall of Fame Committee, and the Every Step Hospice board.


You can reach me at: [email protected]


My class schedule:
First hour - Communications
Second hour - Speech 
Third hour - College Composition through Southwestern Community College
Fourth hour - Prep
Fifth hour - Lunch and Creative Writing
Sixth hour- English I
Seventh hour - English
Eighth hour -  English I